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- CONTROLS : Keyboard, Kempston, Cursor
- AIM : As the commander of a submarine, it's your job to destroy four
- convoys, each consisting of a freighter and two destroyers.
- GAMEPLAY : Having selected the difficulty level (Captain is easiest,
- Admiral is hardest) and the weather conditions (press F if you want
- fog to appear), press ENTER to start the game. You start the game
- docked on a friendly island. The top third of the screen shows the
- view through the periscope, while the bottom two thirds are taken up
- with four windows showing various pieces of information. The left-
- hand window shows, from top to bottom:
- 1) Torpedoes remaining (the blue circles).
- 2) Missiles remaining (the magenta star-shaped objects)
- 3) Torpedoes and missiles currently loaded in the tubes.
- 4) Sub status - the graphic of the submarine changes colour to show
- the area and severity of damage.
- 5) Ships sunk - little graphics of the enemy casualties appear here.
- The central window shows:
- 1) BTTM - Depth of water (in feet) below the submarine.
- 2) PA - Periscope angle, relative to the bow of the sub; 0 is straight
- ahead.
- 3) MAGN - Magnification of the periscope (from x1 to x8)
- 4) BRG - The bearing in degrees, clockwise from north.
- 5) RDD - Rudder angle, in degrees. To the right a sign illuminates it
- if the rudder is locked. Initially 0 and unlocked.
- 6) VSI - Vertical speed indicator, showing the rate of climb or
- descent. To the left a sign illuminates if the radar/sonar display is
- set to five miles.
- The central bottom display is the radar/sonar display, which has a
- range of five or ten miles, initially ten miles. To the right of this
- is a display showing:
- 1) BTT - A graph shows battery power remaining.
- 2) FUEL - Another graph shows fuel remaining.
- 3) DPT - Depth gauge "fills up" to show how deep you've gone.
- 4) BLST - Angle of hydroplanes and amount of ballast on board.
- 5) THR - Thrust meter.
- 6) SPD - Speed.
- 7) Status lights: BATTFUEL - which is in use at the moment.
- ELECTRIC - electric engine running.
- DIESEL - diesel engine running.
- AIRCOMPR - air compressor running.
- TIME - time remaining.
- 8) AIR - Compressed air remaining.
- Your first task will be to locate an enemy convoy, indicated on the
- map screen. As your sub only has a top speed of 22 mph, you'll need
- to make use of the accelerated time feature (which speeds up the game
- by about 30 times) to cross the large map area quickly. Having sighted
- a convoy, you need to be within 1.5 miles to be able to hit them with
- a torpedo. The torpedoes travel twice as fast as the sub.
- Alternatively, you could fire a wire-guided missile, but this is
- rather harder to control.
- Once you've attacked, of course, the destroyers will be alerted. If
- you're on or near the surface they'll shell you; if you dive, they'll
- depth-charge you. Sitting on the sea bed with your engines off is a
- good way of fooling them into thinking you've left the area. However,
- you need to have enough compressed air on board to be able to blow the
- ballast tanks and return to the surface; if you run out of compressed
- air, you're stuck. Compressed air is produced by a compressor attached
- to the sub's diesel engine (which also recharges the batteries), but
- this can only be run on the surface. Underwater, you can only use
- battery power.
- You only have a limited amount of ammunition and fuel on board, so
- you'll need to return to a dock to rearm and refuel. The map gives the
- location and co-ordinates of your two docks. Docking is quite tricky
- and needs some practice! (Hint: going in slowly is a good idea...).
- You also have a time limit before the four enemy convoys cross the map
- and reach their destination.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- KEYS : Throttle up - Q
- " down - A
- Rudder left - 5 }
- right - 8 }
- Hydroplanes up - 7 } Joystick controls
- Hydroplanes down - 6 }
- Fire missile - 0 }
- Fire torpedo - 9
- (Fire torpedo - 5 - Kempston only)
- Missile up - 7
- " down - 6 } Joystick controls
- Missile left * - 5 }
- " right * - 8 }
- * Pressing fire (0) turns faster
- Toggle ballast inlet valve - W
- " " outlet valve - S
- Toggle radar range - R (5 or 10 miles)
- Increase periscope mag. - P
- Decrease " " - O
- Periscope left/right - 1/2 (faster with CAPS SHIFT)
- Toggle diesel/electric engine - B
- Air compressor on/off - V
- Rudder lock on/off - 4
- Toggle map - M
- Toggle time acceleration - SYM SHIFT
- Toggle motor sound on/off - N
- Pause - H